Another part is a discovery of my new favorite word 'kludge' - 'any construction or practice, typically inelegant, designed to solve a problem temporarily or expediently.' (courtesy of ninjawords app)
Another is to show myself I should actually get around to doing some ideas I have for making things work better.
Also, stray threads smell bad when sucked into a blow heater. Clean up more.
Ok, problem is to weave this piece in the most efficient manner.
The problem is that it is using two shuttles one after the other but not to get tangled - and at a decent speed.
So first of all I changed the order on the draft a bit - 2 passes with the same shuttle instead one then one. It doesn't affect the overall design and actually the subtle change gives the edge a nicer stripe. So less time fiddling with shuttles.
The next bit is my kludge. In order for one shuttle can stay on the fly ledge, I used double sided tape to stick a 1mm thick PVC strip onto the beater. Works unbelievably well.
Result is I've speeded up about twice as much! I am pleased!