Friday, December 28, 2012

Wool warp complete

Wool warp, possum and silk weft. Just off the loom and needing finishing. Woven Belinda Jessup
Wash and drying on the magnolia tree. ( sorry image is blurry) Woven Belinda Jessup
Wool warp, possum and silk weft. Washed and need fringes finished.  Woven Belinda Jessup

Wool warp, possum and silk weft. Washed and need fringes finished. I think this series will be called Colour Coding.   Woven Belinda Jessup

 I have completed the wool warp Mell started to weave last time she visited.

The more purple coloured scarf was 182cm pre finished and after finishing 164cm

The red scarf ( using up warp end and double red possum in weft) was 139cm pre finished and after finishing 124.5cm 

 The studios were very quite today, being holidays most people have left the capital for the coast so I think I was the only person there. Very peaceful indeed. I did have one visitor exploring the area for the first time, I hope he comes back when there are more artists around and the place is more lively. The prickly pear was in bloom next to the drive way so I took a happy snap as I left the studio.

Prickly Pear, Strathnairn Driveway, Photo Belinda Jessup
Prickly Pear, Strathnairn Driveway, Photo Belinda Jessup

Warp Choices

Choice 1, L to R, Linen, Japanese man made thread (blue) over spun wool, and silk

Choice 2, L to R, Tencel, Japanese man made thread, over spun wool and silk

Choice 3, L to R, Linen, linen, lurex thread, cotton? ( need to do burn test) over spun wool and silk
So its decision time! I am about to start a production warp and Think I will put on a small production warp to get started. This one will be for 5 scarves. I pulled a number of cones today to make a decision as to what I will weave. I am thinking simple Lacroix ruffles using a number of different yarn types and gaining the ruffles with over twisted threads.

First choice: is still winning as a selection but I  may swap natural coloured linen for bleached linen. Choice 2 colour combination is more pleasing at this point hence swapping the 2 linens around.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Texture to cloth (i)

So I've set myself a little project. How often are you aware of the textures around you? I took a few photos and over the next few days I will translate them from image to design to structure - and maybe to cloth ;)


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Finishing process

I had a small snaffu with the warp so I cut what I had woven off and retied on. Which left me with the fun of playing with the finishing!

This is what I cut off.

And this is after dying and finishing! I have to admit I'm quite happy at how it turned out!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

10 Places for 2013

So Melly 2013 planning is in full we are lloking for new outlets so here is my started target list.
Craft ACT
National Gallery of Australia
National Portrait Gallery
National Museum of Australia
Collect @ Object
Craft Vic
Easton and Pearson

Well one can wish can't they. and yes there is 12 not 10 but I figure if I am more ambitious I will get maybe a 30-50% hit rate.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Getting On With It!

Ok so I have procrastinated on this warp for way too long, trying to decide what looks best. So back to basics! So I took my draft back to the first idea I had, took out the patterning I didn't like at the side, back to the initial idea for materials - wool and rayon. So I have a tendency to over think things a bit and avoid decisions... So thanks to your prodding Belly, I just got on with it! I'll produce at least 3 scarves like this then maybe consider something different. I'm happy just to have done something!


Getting On With It!

Ok so I have procrastinated on this warp for way too long, trying to decide what looks best. So back to basics! So I took my draft back to the first idea I had, took out the patterning I didn't like at the side, back to the initial idea for materials - wool and rayon. So I have a tendency to over think things a bit and avoid decisions... So thanks to your prodding Belly, I just got on with it! I'll produce at least 3 scarves like this then maybe consider something different. I'm happy just to have done something!


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Not that successful

Almost there, blue warp is threaded shafts 9-10 repeat 20 times, then 11-12 repeat 3 times  9-10 are threaded singly through reed and 11-12 are double. 

Spacing threads, should have added plain weave! I will when I restart this sample, with the new lift plan.

Floats are on the top and not the bottom, so now I have to redo the pegs

To much pink and not enough copper

Just a big mess really!
The original draft for the image below. I have crammed the warp with 4 threads per dent instead of 2. I have now added the blue ikat warp to the side and it is threaded onto shafts 9- 10 then 11 and 12. Lift has had added 9-11, 11, 10-12, 12 repeated. so that has to change so floats are on the bottom.

Rayon warp, copper and man-made metallic thread in the weft. Hand woven 2012  Belinda Jessup

Hi Melly I have been busy this morning starting at 6.30 with a walk with the puppies. puppies were very happy to be out and about.
So I finished threading up and tied on. I have started to weave but the draft is not right, the floats are on the top and not the bottom. I also should have started with some plain weave but was just to excited to get it started. I will be patient and put on some plain weave and sated again. I am adding some photos so you can have a look at my day in the studio. I also pull 10 things from my desk beside me so thats also a start.

4 magazines - recycling
1 printing barren - give to Jill
2 printer inks - recycle if I cant find anyone with a printer they fit. my printer died
1 packet of matches - bin
1 fernwood gift card -bin
1 plastic sleeve - bin 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Reworking the Sample Lacroix Warp

Now just a reminder where the inspiration for this warp started, the blouse in the right hand side image
quick sketch of new draft. This is going to make me think! its just adding the new warp to 4 shafts right?
Sorry not a good photo of the tencel warp, will get another one when I am at the studio next
Rayon warp before re-denting
Well lets rework the sample warp. I have re dented the rayon as it was not showing the design very well. I have had fun dying a tencel warp and am adding to the side of the rayon to play with a new design.
so now to work out the threading and lift plan.  I think this is going to be fun once I have worked it out.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The start of Ikat

After dying and steaming the green florist tape had disintegrated and didn't give a very good resist.

After washing but not dyed.
Dye pot using painting solution.

I have to run so will come back and add text Mell, I am still going to weaving this up or maybe just over dye it and see what I get. Thoughts Melly ?

Mel fixed the Toika Loom

The re-threaded purple wool warp on the tokia

Wool warp, silk and possum weft. Mel spent the weekend fixing my loom and a bit of weaving many thanks Mel:)
Melly I wish I had taken a photo of you under my tokia! It is weaving beautifully now it has had the Mel treatment and been re threaded and balanced. THANK YOU .

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Not sure if I like this sample - not sure what to do for the rest of the scarf?


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

301 Post and warp samples

Well Melly this is our 301st post. I have been sampling on my warp today and having a bit of fun even if I only had 1.5 hours in the studio. Its better than none.

Belinda Jessup Copper and Rayon weaving
I have used copper in the weft and a hot pink mederia metallic thread. I started with a fine copper thread and when i went to wind a new bobbin discovered I had some copper that was much thicker and I think it shows the pattern a bit better. The last bit of sampling was with the metallic thread added. I am still not that happy with it but its a start. My first real lacroix sample.

Belinda Jessup, Copper, Metallic and Rayon Threads

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Warp Progress

Today was an unusually day. I started with some gardening, a quick trip to the shops and I am fancying myself as a decorator! Cake decorator that is. I haven't done any in a veeeeeerrrryyyy long time so thought I would pick up this book and give it ago soon. Just gotta love Costco, gets you in every time and books would be the one thing I can addicted to, cook book especially.

Next a friend dropped by to deliver 2 new chairs I had purchased  a few months ago and hadn't got around to having delivered. Well it was more that I was never here to accept the delivery at a convenient time. ( notice Rocky's ears!)

Then finally I got to go to the studio. It has been a while and I knew I wouldn't be able to sit at the loom for long but I so desperately wanted to get out there and get this warp threaded so I can get a little sampling going.

Finally threaded but Melly how do I keep the rayon from sliding off the beam when you tie it on? Oh wait I think I know!

Presto! marking tape will be my new best friend I think.

Now for a draft. I think this may have come from you or the weave-away blog I read on occasion.
So for my inspiration image   ( top right hand image) , I want to play with copper weft and texture. so lets start playing? Well now I have to wait until Wednesday to go back to the studio as family and work commitments will take up the next 3 day. So lets hope I have not over done the back today as I promised myself I would only sit at the loom for an hour but in the end stayed at the studio for 3 hours. I did get up and walk to visit Nancy Tingey in her studio a few times to rest my back. You would think that some one would develop a loom that was a bit more user friendly by now.   Belly

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October Inspiration

After being reminded of your uni work, Belly, and a few things we've chatted about since then (yay for grids!) a few things came to mind -
Lacroix of course!
Severija Incirauskaite-Kriauneviciene , Way of Roses
Cross stitch embroidery on car parts.
 Otti Berger, tasttafel (texture board), 1928
 Rosalie Gascoigne, Big Yellow, 1988
Imants Tillers, Lacrimae Rerum (for Dzidra), 2007 [Detail]

These are a couple of images that have me thinking about multilayered structures -
 A 200-times magnified view of wood from Kalopanax pictus, the prickly castor oil tree. Image by Dr. Peter Kitin, Akita Prefectural University.
 Public Tower (NY) - Clara Klein
Fibonacci succulent?



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